Maybe this story is a little bit using, knowing already a year ago. Since the future is now a freshman ta'aruf, so writers remembered and relived those moments. Instead memories get lost or buried in the subconscious, so the author tries to write. Maybe it could be a new student reading material subsequent years, or for students with contemporary lady gaga store writers can commemorate together, or for students of above can compare with mataf in his time.
Mataf, maybe in college or another university named ospek. Since the author is a college campus bertasbihkan Islam, dinamakanlah MATAF. Mataf ta'aruf is an acronym of the past or future introductions. College introductory period with all its contents. Mataf very important to introduce new students about campus life, college systems, organizations on campus or faculty / department, professor, dean, Kajur (head of department), employees, etc..
Prior to the implementation of mataf, each faculty / department implement Technical Meeting lady gaga store (TM). TM is a semi-formal activities that bring new students (new students) with mataf committee. Here, the committee mataf will explain everything related to mataf, ranging from clothing (alma mater, hoods, skirts, shirts, shoes, socks), supplies (bags, co-cards, tasks), time, order, division caravan , etc.. Therefore, TM is mandatory.
In 2012, the committee mataf FKIK create a group on facebook as a means of information and communication prior to the implementation of TM. In the group we started to look for a friend se-prodi/jurusan, start looking for information related to the preparation mataf, began to wonder order mataf, etc.. Now the group has been removed, but can still be nephew-in ya ~> Mataf FKIK UMY 201 2
To follow mataf, FKIK students and other faculty are required to do the registration lady gaga store / re-registration. It is useful lady gaga store to validate the data from the university, collecting data that might be needed to mataf (such as illness), and so on. Registration opened on lobbying mataf FKIK C, ground floor FKIK teaching. At that time, I still remember when one asked the cleaning service around the building lobby location AR Fakrudin B C (knowingly maba, still do not know the direction of the way home # er), but the hygiene officer lady gaga store said he did not know-_-.Ya already, follow only where the foot would move. Long story short (tired story), arrived at the lobby of C. Until now, it is still a mystery to why the author called lobbying C. Though the lobby of the building located at the confluence of F1, F2 and F3, whereas the C building itself is a plaza near Masjid -, -
When the list mataf, somewhat in shock as well because the money held for the payment of a lab coat. Fortunately, at that time there was money in the wallet (yes if there are ga ga nothing siih, could still owe: p). After submitting the registration form and requirements lady gaga store mataf, author menyengaja to see the group / caravan. Not just see, the author had of the visitors (language -, -).
Saturday, September 1, 2012 have been scheduled for the following authors Mataf TM. TM participants are required to assemble in lobby Mataf C at 07.00 local time to register mataf. Time of registration, there are words that tickle lady gaga store the author. Ya-ya at the counter / registration desk asking "adeknya name?" Javanese accent. Inwardly authors ask, why ya mbaknya Nanya my sister name, is not it wants to register her sister. Sure ya mode -, - According to the reader not funny huh? Sorry, because lady gaga store I am not a Comic. Fajrini my name, goodnight.
Upon registration, participants lady gaga store were classified into several groups with one person guiding brother. We followed the guide's brother who climbed the stairs to the upper floor. Above, we reunited for the first time with older siblings Rule (Code of Conduct), in FKIK name Thorax. In the lobby, the entire contents of our bags checked. All the equipment is not connected to the TM confiscated! Phone, make-up tools, scissors, tissue, etc. one by one included in the box. These objects caravan eventually returned when the division first day in plaza. Freshmen are caught carrying prohibited lady gaga store goods reprimanded / lecture and crossed out with a marker on the back of his hand. Freshmen who do not bring anything # er intention was not to bring prohibited items are welcome to go to the next stage. At the next level, clothing maba examined by Thorax. Hoods without innards / ciput hat, a transparent veil, a veil that does not cover the chest, not wearing shoes became an easy target Jamaat Al-Anhar lady gaga store (uh, that's the name of Unit Student Activities SME-author-who follow. Sekalian promotion: p) an easy target for be pilgrims who lectured brothers in black, red berpitakan on his arm. After passing selection clothes, our participants gathered in the field of TM / plaza. Now the plaza is not an area of
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