Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The culture value? No, the culture of a facilitating condition, if you want to fully understand the

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According to the Well-being culture bellevue restaurants as a facilitating factor that helps in the understanding of the world and allows you to get to the more concrete definition of intelligence (intelligent people who understand the reality that surrounds him). Feel the culture a sufficient condition or necessary to happiness, therefore, a position distorted that enhances overly existential value of culture. Among the unbalanced, only a few consider it sufficient to quality of life, falling into the personality romantic (the dominant idea what the culture, art, etc..). The contemplative rather are those who believe it necessary for the full expression of the individual, the maximum quality of life. Their position potentially risky because the culture tends to become a substitute for intelligence. bellevue restaurants In fact, the culture is not a value, but has a value depending on how it is used. This article will just teach you how to use it.
The culture value? No, the culture of a facilitating condition, if you want to fully understand the meaning of this statement, you should refer to wealth, bellevue restaurants other facilitating condition. I think no one esteems of more or less a person watching how much money. Yet for culture, bellevue restaurants we often speak of value. bellevue restaurants Who does not have a high cultural level admires (the rich look with envy) who caught and sometimes tries to get cultures cobbled together and fast with dubious shortcuts. We often speak of the cultural values of a country (as you should be talking about cultural richness) and rises esteem for a person if caught. If you reflect, absurd appreciation on a person because educated. You can appreciate it because in her culture has generated positive results, but they are a relapse bellevue restaurants of facilitating condition. bellevue restaurants Stopping only to the culture wrong as limited merely to the bank account bellevue restaurants of who we face. The culture it can also generate negative fruits (in what the Well-being defines personality contemplative), averting the subject the attention in the world, convinced that he had already everything to esteem and to be on the pedestal. bellevue restaurants Many contemplative also have a personality partially listless and / or loose because they do not feel other reasons that the cultural. All taken in their cultural mission have no other resources to devote to the improvement of a part of their existence. Their self-esteem is based entirely on culture: what is involved in another?
The culture and love objects evident bellevue restaurants that any subject can become an object of love and as such improve the quality of life of the individual. More difficult to motivate the fact (as do the contemplative) that "the study of a certain subject bellevue restaurants useful to everyone." In fact c 'is some truth in this statement, but in his genericit is likely to create only misunderstandings or facile optimism. In fact, each person tends to exaggerate the universal scope of its objects bellevue restaurants of love ("if they improve the quality of my life because it is not expected to improve the lives of others?"), This generalization error becomes a boomerang when the culture " set "and the recipient does not see real fruits practical. bellevue restaurants
The culture and cultural awareness in math to know all about the Riemann zeta function I do not think that can be defined useful to those who should not use it for work, and know how to handle the sexagesimal system certainly useful to everyone. bellevue restaurants In medicine know the surgical technique of transplantation is not needed for the quality of life, to have clear ideas about cholesterol s why could stretch out their existence. pretty easy to see that for each subject there is a clear demarcation between us that only useful as a love object and for their work and what is useful at all, outside of the fact that you love that matter bellevue restaurants or the you use to work. Just ask yourself: "This topic of this matter we all need in life?". They do not apply generic responses like "s, because it does become more intelligent" or "s, because it grows the spirit" such answers I have abolished since in school they wanted to convince bellevue restaurants me that "Latin opened his mind" . In fact people who know nothing of Latin or do not appreciate the paintings of the Impressionists may have understood all of the reality around them

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