Thursday, October 17, 2013

1 Title: Introduction to Git Pages: 415 Size: 5 MB Download links: GitIntro

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Hadi1010 Registered: 14 Oct 13 Message: 3 BlogLog Ubuntu Indonesia masys BlogLog: Summary of Blog-Blog Ubuntu in Indonesian masys Indonesian Open Source Open Source Essential List Link2 Indonesia masys Download Ebook FUI This Topic Rate Topic Options
1 Title: Introduction to Git Pages: 415 Size: 5 MB Download links: GitIntro >> Description: The full presentation of the picture is very thick explain Git. Pure Git. Working principles, commandments, what actually happens when a commit, and others. Explained with pictures, very minimal writing. Would be suitable for us who want to start utilizing Git as a version control system in a programming project. 2 Title: Pro Git Pages: masys 238 Size: 5 MB Download links: progit.en >> Description: The complete book of hundreds of pages to explain what is version control global system subsequently detailed discussion of what Git. This book is a written version of the presentation Introduction to Git. I also recommend the need for a complete guide to Git. 3 Title: Practical Cloud Computing Using Open Source Pages: 48 Size: 1 MB Download links: OWP-20110701-practical-guide-cloud-computing-use-opensource Description: masys book about making quick but dense cloud with open source applications. Discussion of what it spins on cloud computing, cloud install without internet, Eucalyptus and Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud, as well as many valuable additions are codes that described a lot. A collection of knowledge is invaluable for those wishing to start a business with open source cloud computing. 4 Title: Debian Packaging Tutorial Pages: 77 Size: 600 KB Download links: packaging-tutorial.en >> Description: book written by one person from this transport packaging basics, packaging samples directly, also involves advanced packaging, masys how to-maintain masys package in Debian, and complete masys with an explanation of terms odd in packaging. You will be guided how to make. Deb itself masys from existing programs. 5 Title: Qt basics Pages: 66 Download links: Qt basics GKO 2010 >> Description: The presentation of the book is written in the form by a certifie d Qt Developer Nokia. The contents of a basic explanation of Qt, Qt what it is, what can be done with it, why I should use it, and what should I know to be able to use it. Sort of a brief but thorough introduction to Qt programming. 6 Title: Qt Designer Widgets | Qt Essentials - Training Course Pages: 128 Size: 2 MB Download links: qt-designer-widgets >> -1.pdf Description: This presentation in the form of a book written by ICS. Content is the same about Qt, but more thorough with the basics treats Qt, Qt source code examples, using qmake, explaining GUI QtCreator with pictures, and of course lots of Qt Widgets for reviews here. This includes code and explanations for making masys our first Qt application, with GUI of course. Accompanied by many pictures skrinsot that make reading at home 7 Title: Mobile Phone Programming | Quick start: Qt for Windows / Linux, Symbian and Maemo / Megoo Pages: 20 Size: 700 KB Download links: Qt_Quick_Start_Building_Hello_World >> http://malsasa.files. Description: This brief presentation contains how to make our first Qt applications for desktop but not for the Nokia N900. And in particular in the Qt SDK simulator for the mobile phone was there concerned. Pretty cool, is not it? Can be done in Linux anyway. Equipped with the codes and their coffee ready skrinsot. Twenty pages sorely lacking. 8 Title: Introduction to the Qt GUI

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