Monday, November 25, 2013

Most bacteria somehow on a layer of polysaccharides outside the cell wall. In general, reifschneide

Installation reifschneider store and physiology of bacteria reifschneider store | Lebawab's Blog
For all surface compositions of the importance reifschneider store of bacteria reifschneider store in the middle to live. As these surface structures are disparate locations Contact the surrounding reifschneider store environment. For bacterial surface components that are used to inspect the environment in which they are located and then respond to the circumstances surrounding a manner that ensures its survival reifschneider store and continuity in that environment. Is determined by the surface characteristics of the bacteria through the exact molecular components found on cellular membranes and Jderha, including fatty compounds polysaccharides (LPS), and other surface structures, such as flagella Flagella, and cellular appendages Fimbriae, and capsule Capsules.
May have the bacterial surface structures and basic biological functions have nothing to do operations pathogenicity. From this standpoint, the function of LPS in the outer envelope of Gram-negative bacteria, for the characteristics of permeability n being more toxic to animals. However, there are many examples reifschneider store of that play where the components of the surface of the role of bacteria in the pathogenesis of operations related reifschneider store to infectious diseases.
- The surface of these compounds Bthss the middle of the ocean temperature to the salinity reifschneider store of the center and the amount of light and oxygen and nutrients and osmotic ... etc.. This sensitivity leads to the generation of molecular signals to the cell genome, leading to the production of some virulence factors, such as toxins State, for example.
And medical terms, the components of the surface of the bacterial reifschneider store cells are the primary determinants of the pathogenic process for many Alcaaúnat nurse. It can pathogen colonization of tissue resistance to the process of phagocytosis and cellular resistance to the immune response and the induction of inflammation reifschneider store and CMOS and activate reifschneider store the immune response in the host using a variety of synthetic ingredients.
Of the synthetic, the bacteria has three basic components: surface appendages, which is a protein compounds adherent to the cell surface, and is to be either in the form of filaments or flagella Flagella superficial Fimbriae. The second level is the synthetic cell membranes, which are of the capsule and the cell wall and the plasma membrane. And the third level is the area that contains the cytoplasm to the cell genome reifschneider store (DNA) and many other cellular components such as ribosomes, which represents the protein factories.
Valmkonat surface of the bacteria are in addition to the covers surface appendages related. Flagella is a filamentous reifschneider store protein structures attached to the cell surfaces of the cell enables the movement of bacteria in most animated. And ranges Qatar bacterial flagella about 20 nm and less than the capacity of the optical microscope to view it. And turnover are whipper by moving the device in the cell membrane, allowing the cell to swim in a liquid medium. And is supplied flagella powered reifschneider store by the power of the movement of protons located on the cell membrane. reifschneider store
Show multiple types of bacteria attraction behaviors, reifschneider store ie, the ability to move or swim in response to environmental stimuli. For example, during the chemical attraction Chemotaxis Bacteria can sense the quality and quantity of certain types of chemicals in the surrounding medium and swim towards these chemical compounds (if foodstuffs useful), or swim far from it (if these harmful substances). In an ongoing attraction antenna Aerotaxis, the bacteria swim toward the source of oxygen or perhaps reifschneider store away from him. Virulence factor represents the movement of a simple set of bacteria. In the case of the cholera bacterium Vibrio cholerae, the bacteria swim Asoyat (physically) to the intestinal mucosa in order to avoid the process of expulsion by the movement of the intestines of worms. Possess flagella Onteginah properties, and therefore, they are vulnerable to attack by antibodies reifschneider store to the host. Antibodies directed against antigens reifschneider store whip can operate on the clumping of bacteria or cells operate to impede their movement, or possibly it is working to facilitate the process taken up by the cells Allaqma, a process called Opsonization.
Cellular appendages (Fimbriae or pili) are used to describe the cellular reifschneider store lattice structures on the surface of the bacterial cell. Cellular appendages shorter than the whip and slightly smaller in diameter. And how is the case of flagella, the cellular appendages consist reifschneider store of protein. There is a specialized type of cellular appendages (called Pilus) know Balzoaúd citizenship and is playing a role in the passing of genetic material between bacterial cells associated with. These bacteria are used for the process of cellular appendages conjugations for the exchange of genes through the process of pathogenic mechanism conjugations (Conjunction), and this may play a role in determining the appendages virulent bacteria.
Regarding Balzoaúd common bacterial (Common pili), they play a role in the process of adhesion of bacteria to surfaces reifschneider store in nature. And from the standpoint of medical, these appendages cellular plays an important role in determining the virulent bacteria and because it allows the bacteria nurse cup mount, and thus the colonization of the tissue, as well as to resist the attack of white blood cells Allaqma, and this latter function is what the capsule cellular phones.
Possess cellular appendages Onteginah capabilities, and will work secretory antibodies (sIgA) to impede reifschneider store the colonization of the tissue by bacteria, while IgG antibodies or IgM will work to facilitate the process of phagocytosis of bacterial cells by cell Allaqma.
Most bacteria somehow on a layer of polysaccharides outside the cell wall. In general, reifschneider store divorced on this layer sugary name capsule. However, the capsule reifschneider store is true that consists of a layer can be identified and polysaccharides that accumulate outside the cell wall. If the multi-layer simple sugars on the surface of the wall-free

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