Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Fattening first, media outlet online first smoker, media outlet online marrying and divorcing the f

Mike (30), a high-tech, Tel Aviv, was invited last year to 20 weddings, all of them close friends. "A year ago we were still single jury," media outlet online he says L"mosf Kalkalist. " "No pair talked about a wedding. Then the first couple announced they were getting married, and speed, it has become epidemic weddings. Lately the pace is a three weddings a month. Stayed last bachelor." Feeling that Mike describes not only recognized for 30 and not only in the context of weddings. It sells for young people in their 20s - as well as groups of friends and old - feel sometimes that their friends are getting married almost at once, or looking at the picture on Facebook, and find that they are similar to their friends many features in appearance, as well as political position, being smokers or those who have decided to quit smoking, quality of life and even events that happened to them recently, when similar media outlet online events have happened to their friends. These features, personality, sometimes tend to spread among groups of friends media outlet online as does infectious disease.
Fattening first, media outlet online first smoker, media outlet online marrying and divorcing the first of each group of friends is sometimes media outlet online the catalysts to change the lives of the masses of people that never met Photo: Shutterstock there's more imagination cases. The feeling is the foundation of social research in the long and documented in history, the results of which drama published in late 2009 in the "Connected," a book S"hnio York Times "called" a work that could change the way we understand the world ", and which are now being translated into dozens of languages, including Hebrew, and published by the end of the year will be published meters. The study reveals that the decisions of the most significant humans do - make decisions about marriage, career change and priorities in life are made primarily because members have performed recently passed a similar resolution, media outlet online even though anyone who commits such a decision would believe he did this out of consideration and willingly, not under the influence of his friends. Not just the lifestyle decisions: media outlet online Changes media outlet online in the physical state such as a tendency to obesity or extreme longevity, and overall happiness are the result of circumstances, but reproduction of the social situation due to the person. Weight loss, weight gain, happiness, depression, divorce, media outlet online smoking, generosity, drunkenness, frequency of intercourse, chance to vote, the chances media outlet online of suicide, body language, musical taste and approach to life - all features of infectious spread within groups of friends, media outlet online and sometimes begin with one person and soon swallow dozens of people.
Dr. Nicholas Christakis Photo: Paul Schnaittacher "We came to this amazing discovery almost by accident," said in an interview L"mosf Kalkalist "Dr. Nicholas Christakis (48), an internist, a specialist in public media outlet online policy Maonibrsiat Harvard and one of the 100 most influential people of the Magazine "Time" in 2009. Christakis is the new star of popular science in the United States, along with his co-"Connected", Professor James Fuller media outlet online (40), it was years considered one of the original minds in America and research in the social sciences have been widely media outlet online quoted in dozens of media outlets, including media outlet online CNN magazine "Wired" and the exchange weekly supplement of the "New York Times". "It's hard to believe that our free will is an illusion and that we have no real control almost anything, but the data came to us so sharp - cut just have to recognize it. Humans are no different from the band birds or Buffalo spawn in a herd, and turning along with the herd. When people ask us why We raised weight we're talking about bad genes, and when people ask us why we stopped smoking we invent explanations for the health of the child., but the truth is we just move with the herd. we stick to social phenomena contagious. if we understand them correctly, we can change many things in our society, through proper utilization media outlet online of human relationships and social networks. " The study by Christakis and Fuller began a series media outlet online of articles published in scientific journals from 2008 to 2007, "New media outlet online England Journal media outlet online of Medicine" and "British Medical Journal" and resonated in the scientific community. It is based on monitoring conducted for 32 years for about 12 thousand American residents of Framingham, media outlet online near Boston, in the northeastern United States. It presents statistical information is not collected like him before, and shows unequivocally and resolutely the track where social behaviors and physical conditions to spread among friends "contagious" and without any apparent explanation. By the surprising findings, if your friend started smoking, the chances that you will start to smoke rise by about 61%. Relative of his baby was born up by 15% the chance of the next two years will be born a baby - and a member of depression or difficulties in his relationship, increasing the chances that what goes on it will you too. "Stats infection" stiff. It takes place between friends also large geographical distances and far-reaching media outlet online impact beyond what it seems. Member in smoke may also cause friends of friends to start smoking, even if you had never met. In addition, it increases the chance that a group of hundreds of people that does not know - friends of friends of his friends - will start smoking. Fattening first, first smoker, marrying and divorcing the first of each group of friends is sometimes the catalysts to change the lives of the masses of people that never met. These data, breaking new frontiers in the study of social sciences, sounds almost unbelievable. But it turns out they are based than many social theories prevalent media outlet online today. The town became a database all started in 2000 when Christakis, then a researcher at the University of Chicago, trying to decipher the phenomenon of "widowed effect" - a situation in which people care for relatives who are terminally ill patients suffer deterioration in their health, and deteriorating as "delivered media outlet online pasting" their other relatives. In 2002, Christakis met Fuller in those years the study of how the decision media outlet online whether to vote in elections affect the decisions of friends, family and colleagues.
James Fuller. "The generosity and economic status media outlet online tend to spread infectious" Photo: Kris Kr g CC by that time bestseller in America question was "turning point" of Malcolm Gladwell's influential journalist. Gladwell, in

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