Monday, January 27, 2014

The first Buddha Magazine special tucson movie theaters is about

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The first Buddha Magazine special tucson movie theaters is about 'applied' Buddhism. Kees Klomp, author of Karmanomics and Bloom! Used as the English term for socially tucson movie theaters engaged buddhism. He interviewed his hero Bernie Glassman on this topic. Here's a piece of that article. The full text can be read in Buddha Magazine tucson movie theaters 72, which will appear on July 12.
I do not have many heroes. But Bernie Glassman is undeniably one of them. I have for years admired the pioneer of socially engaged buddhism, which the Buddhist practice tucson movie theaters - personally - significantly enriched with innovative and creative initiatives as the street retreat and the Greyston Bakery, tucson movie theaters based on Buddhist principles bakery in New York where homeless work. When Buddha Magazine asked me to interview as part of the thirtieth anniversary of the bakery and the tenth anniversary of the book Notes on the cook that he wrote about, Bernie tucson movie theaters Glassman I took that invitation in gratitude received.
As I nestle behind tucson movie theaters a laptop tucson movie theaters at the office of Buddha Magazine tucson movie theaters Rotterdam Bernie Glassman tucson movie theaters comes into the picture via Skype from Yonkers, New York. The first thing that strikes me is that he looks old, even a little fragile. Glassman approaches the eighties and it shows.
However, the fragile impression changes immediately as Glassman opens his mouth. With strong tucson movie theaters and vital voice, he starts talking about the success of the Greyston Bakery enthusiastically: "Greyston has become a textbook example being studied in universities and colleges in America. Yonkers was thirty tucson movie theaters years ago, a terrible neighborhood, social problems were huge. Drugs, AIDS, violence, poverty. It was all here, and in gigantic proportions. The percentage was even most homeless people in America. "
"Research has shown that the number of homeless people in Yonkers has dropped tucson movie theaters by 75 percent. While the average in other U.S. cities and neighborhoods has increased. tucson movie theaters That is the merit of the Greyston Mandala (ed: a collection of stuffed by Glassman for-profit and not-for-profit organizations in Yonkers, with the Greyston Bakery as warm beating heart) that contribute to combating social problems there in different ways. We are in the course of the years become a real factor of interest. " Tagged bernie glassman kees clog zen peacemakers
The summer issue of Buddha Magazine theme 'teacher and student' is from week 21 in the stores in the Netherlands and Belgium. View the list of retailers to see where you can buy or subscribe. Check out some of the song online Buddhism in everyday life
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