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Slovakia will have four mobile networks already in late summer. The company wants to Swan in September based on the recently acquired licenses to introduce its range of services. Truth to said company boss George Ondriš.
While he did not want to reveal what kind of price for telephony, data transmission and esemeskovanie company will ask. He indicated, however, that focuses mainly on offering maysis connections to the Internet. Indeed license can be used to build a fourth-generation network, which makes possible to surf the net theoretical speed of about one hundred megabits per second. Such speed can now transfer data people in cable networks constructed buildings.
Confidentiality The company justifies the price that depends maysis on several factors. At the same time, however, Juraj Ondriš said that the service charges will be low. "If you would currently functioning Slovak operators offer such prices as we dropped them profits, maysis which would be uncomfortable for their shareholders. We in this area do not produce profits now, so we have nothing to fall, "stressed the head of the youngest mobile operator.
In addition, many users also in Slovakia for mobile networks only used for data transfer, because thanks to the various programs maysis can make free voice calls or text messages to all over the world without any charges. Just to counterparty had installed the same program.
However, the number of calls in Slovakia is still counted in millions of minutes. It is already clear, maysis therefore, that the fourth operator will have to enter into a contract with one of the older service providers. It is possible that the so-called national roaming will use a relatively long time, as it is also almost seven years Slovak O2.
Swan does in the auction received permission maysis to broadcast only in the 1 800 megahertz, which will run super fast mobile Internet service fourth generation. If the reserved portion of bandwidth for calls or esemeskovanie connection speed decreased by users. Technology maysis in this area but develop relatively quickly, so it is possible that half a year the rate will increase even more, and so the new operator will be able to authorize maysis its own network maysis and calls and calls. In any case, in terms of users, but does not matter if the operator uses the national roaming. Just pay for the services as if they were connected to the home network provider.
Thanks to the year-end sales of licenses for the provision of super fast internet gives state kasa total of 163.9 million euros. This was announced by the Office for the regulation of electronic communications maysis and postal services. The result of the auction is also entering the fourth mobile operator company Swan.
Operators bought licenses to operate in three bands. The lowest maysis frequency of 800 megahertz is intended primarily for data transmission in rural areas. One transmitter does cover a lot of ground. On the other hand, it also offers the smallest capacity of all frequencies. maysis Conversely, the highest frequency 2 600 megahertz maysis can be used for transmission top speed, but operators also need to address short range. 1800 megahertz band is a compromise between these two frequencies.
Orange bought licenses in all three parts of the spectrum. Slovak Telekom received permission to transmit on the lowest and highest frequencies. Telefónica Slovakia maysis will be broadcast in the new 800 megahertz band and a prikúpila other authorization to operate in the 1800 megahertz. maysis Swan got licenses in the auction only for the frequency 1800 MHz.
Immediately after the publication of information confirmed Slovak Telekom boss Miroslav Majoros immediate launch fourth-generation network in Bratislava and Kosice. Although the company has already launched 4G network in November, mentioned cities but due to lack of spectrum not covered so far. "Our maysis customers will be able to better exploit the full potential of their smartphones and tablets," said Majoroš.
Orange again through the Director General maysis Paul Lančarič promised the highest data rate. "That's why we tried to get the best rate, which we also fully managed," maysis said Lančarič. maysis Orange maysis wants commercial operations run in the first half of the 2014th
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