Monday, June 1, 2015

The GRAIN indicates that communities often do not even know who that is usurping their land. Compan

NGOs News - In Mozambique agriculture does not feed the people but enriches governments and foreign investors
You are here: Home Economy In Mozambique agriculture does not feed the people but enriches governments and foreign investors in Mozambique agriculture does not feed the people but enriches governments and foreign investors
The peasants st louis mills mall of northern Mozambique have been waging battles st louis mills mall to keep their land before the appetite of foreign st louis mills mall governments and companies that aggressively create large-scale agro-business projects, supposedly for the benefit st louis mills mall of that layer. But so far, the experience with countries that invest in agriculture is disastrous. In fact, are noted new forms of imperialism, exploitation and, above all, the return of colonial plantations in the famous "Pearl of the Indian Ocean", a scenario appropriately alert by our political elite, which is part of us that is just adventurous in agriculture because it has no training.
The black picture of this sector in the country, in the light of the Constitution is the "basis of national development", but in practice the opposite happens, is the epicenter of the Nacala Corridor. Unsurprisingly, the former Head of State, Armando Guebuza and his family are some who do not go unnoticed in the subtle encroachment of land for own benefits. Guebuza is, for example, one of the investors in AgroMoz, a very active firm in the ongoing transformation of the Nacala Corridor and works in the heart of the area producer of soybeans in the region. His son, Mussumbuluko st louis mills mall Guebuza, has links to Agro Alfa.
"The AgroMoz not fulfilled the promise made to the community to build a clinic and a school" and "is already seriously affecting the health of local populations. Last season, the company began aerial spraying agrochemical on soybean crops, "alludes to the report of GRAIN, an international non-profit organization that supports small farmers and social movements in their struggle to implement that food systems based on biodiversity controlled by the community, and the National Farmers Union of Mozambique (UNAC).
"In the agricultural year 2013/2014, a group of AgroMoz workers came to inform us that during spraying, performed by a small plane, people had to leave their homes in order to avoid possible damage caused by the product chemical. After a few days, almost all the residents began to catch flu and the crops died, "indicates GRAIN. The list of land usurpation of mentors, with the approval of the Government, is extensive and includes the Agro Corridor in Mozambique Agriculture Corporation (Mozaco), the JFS Holding, Agro Alpha, the Rural Consult st louis mills mall Ltd, and Nemba Development Corporation Lda.
Agro Corridor is a Mozambican company controlled by two wealthy families of Europe: st louis mills mall Von Pezold, st louis mills mall Germany and Austria, and the shipping dynasty, Hoegh, Norway. The firm recently began exploring two farms in Nampula: a Meserepane, 2,200 acres, where he grows field crops, and Metocheria, 6,000 hectares, which produces banana. It also explores contract for production projects, in particular for the production st louis mills mall of cassava under an agreement with SAB Miller beer company, according to GRAIN.
"Today, 40 years after independence, the revolutionary vision of the national liberation movement is in shambles and the government of Mozambique is completely dominated by a neoliberal ideology that strictly depends on foreign investment st louis mills mall for the development of all economic sectors, st louis mills mall whether the agriculture, infrastructure, st louis mills mall fisheries, tourism, resource extraction, st louis mills mall or social sectors st louis mills mall such as health and education. "
That organization indicates that the Law of the Land Mozambique gives communities ownership of land already cultivated for over 10 years, st louis mills mall which means that the old colonial farms were already formally st louis mills mall have reverted to the peasants. "But as the area was again target foreign investment in agriculture, the Mozambican government conspires with foreign investors for them to offer long-term leases these same lands.
"This echo of colonial times is stronger by the fact that some investors are Portuguese families who have enriched during the colonial period and are now back to Mozambique to start making plantations in exactly the same land where Portuguese colonialists fled 40 years ago. Few of these have training in agriculture, but many have links to influential members of the ruling party, Frelimo, to help them acquire the land and to manage any opposition from local communities. "
The GRAIN indicates that communities often do not even know who that is usurping their land. Companies who take possession of the land are generally registad


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