Monday, June 1, 2015

Archives May 2015 (8) March 2015 (13) February lakeside mall stores 2015 (47) January 2015 (102) De

NGOs News - Greenpeace denounces Chinese illegal fishing in Guinea-Bissau
"Despite the Chinese government is to eliminate some of the most destructive fishing practices in its waters, gaps in existing policies lead to the application of less stringent standards in Africa," he laments in a statement the organization.
"While China reached out to Africa during the Ebola outbreak, unscrupulous Chinese companies illegally exploit the marine environment of West Africa, taking advantage of the weak supervision of local and Chinese authorities and hurting lakeside mall stores local fishermen and the environment" Rashid said Kang, head of Greenpeace China.
3 months lakeside mall stores August Government is monitoring the situation Portuguese arrested in Timor-Leste
News Synod on the Family: preparation enters lakeside mall stores the final stretch May 27, 2015 Pope highlights the engagement against the marriage "express" May 27, 2015 Centesimus Annus: recovery from the crisis, but without work May 26, 2015 Pope asks Franciscan humility and sobriety May 26, 2015 Francisco: "a Christian attached to goods makes a cardboard" May 26, 2015 Pope: St. Philip Neri is bright model of the Church's permanent mission in the world May 25, 2015
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