Monday, June 2, 2014

Radu says:

Important Clarifications freshco canada flyer from Mircea Diaconu | Radu Tudor
Do not go back to the Liberal Party, not fight deal with PSD or any other party, alliance of political association form or species. No one helped me and do not owe anyone! Are independent and remain independent! I go to any television are called! There are games to anyone! I only say what I always say! Not interested in speculation, inventions or statements of others about me. I will not play their game and I will not waste time refuting or explaining things that we did! I kind of politics! I have a contract with those who have voted so! Mircea Diaconu
Allies Antonescu, Macon, Anastase ...
Here disagree. # # # No one helped me and do not owe anyone! # # #
He clearly said "I have a contract with those who have voted so." Antena 3 has helped to promote freshco canada flyer their campaign anyway it was a great injustice. The rest were promoted big money where they could.
"" "I have a contract with those who voted for me '," freshco canada flyer said Mr Diaconescu M, is not enough for you people???. If you even read what he said ...... As everyone speculate ... it is in Romania, so we learned to comment, if we can, snare. Nustiu why and for what purpose have the balacari, that is brothers?, Will beat the heinie, one man. Regarding sponsorizariii freshco canada flyer ... come on. If you want to do a tour of Romania, as otherwise the whole novel Facu-to at least one point in life, you needful sponsorship??.
Note how stupid you are, you have the ability to understand a set of well thought freshco canada flyer out words. He left his money in the campaign!! ATHENS 3, has the duty to report and invite freshco canada flyer ALL PARTIES INCLUDING THE ELECTIONS DEBATE Independents> but who understand these issues "minor" morons Basistii <Because this type "Băsescu man" like you, is so locked in mind how and feeble.
smaranda says:
A. says:
You are right. Ask specifically media attention on the case of Adrian. freshco canada flyer Feels unsafe and could only help get rid of your fear and pressures that are upon by the authorities.
Kafka says:
Overall precisions Mircea Diaconu correct call. But does not seem correct to say ..... "No one helped me not owe anyone!" Really??? From another point of view, I see Antonescu (resigned?!) Wants unifier "righteous" all BASISTII, but without Udrea Bashescu .... Will be able to handle it Antonescu unification without the two, in the condition in which he wants to secure freshco canada flyer his support EPP Bashescu in presidential race??
Well Dincu and John are two of his idols Russian Victor Tonti-)) freshco canada flyer are related and perhaps even the umbilical cord that binds him macaque plagiarism and where they were born cohabitation and shared thefts
Radu says:
I really do not have procedural and legal support will refer to the obvious cases of abuse and violation of human rights? freshco canada flyer What undertook SCM controls the number of psychiatric made available to a prosecutor freshco canada flyer to be proportional to the seriousness of the criminal act of someone not to be determined by the position of the injured person? Do you sustain that nobody should be above the law? What happens to Adrian Zglobiu (who launched by Traian Basescu saliva) is in accordance with good practice such rights omulu? How we, as your Life Path, legislation and procedures that allow this? A hefty fine for the deserved and shameful gesture like unemployed had to pay through community service. But to get to live in terror?
I fully agree, and sees it in his face (dl.Zglobiu) that is terrorized and threatened, and I fear hard not to make something that's life threatening, a psychotic break and ready to solve for Basescu and the man remains marked for life.
Surely blog master tracks your orders. I think it's his duty to go further, may not necessarily think about winning the presidency, but it's up to him to run and eventually pt. runoff urge electorate to vote for x or y! Something would happen certainly would get the world in a greater percentage vote namely those who do not believe in anti-Romanian politicians and their politics! I wish you well and good health!
Unfortunately, I have seen / read all sorts of speculative, false, malicious postings about Mr. Diaconu and its recent freshco canada flyer success in Euro. It seems that many people standing freshco canada flyer sore that won a seat in the EP, and "bodies" like ANI, DNA is not convenient freshco canada flyer "guts" great actor to support his cause! As Dincu sforar's a pr

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