Saturday, February 15, 2014

Recently held in Lublin Ukrainian-Polish meeting at which visited Western Ukraine mayors and their

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"Some pidsmiyuyetsya of the People's Council, which supposedly is another" new "controlling authority. We are not" new "controlling authority, we will -" different "controlling authority." Views - 414 Comments - 14
In approving the city's budget in 2014 in Ivano-Frankivsk MPs once again the feeling of deja vu. Treasury Ivano-Frankivsk again not fully provided funds for delegated state powers (in education, health, culture, physical education and local government). Views - 81 Comments - 0
People around the world celebrate the February outlet world 14 Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. It is believed that this festival has been celebrated for more than 16 centuries. The roots of Valentine's Day goes back to pagan culture, as ancient as the feast of lovers in honor of the goddess of love. Views - 551 Comments - 3
Recently held in Lublin Ukrainian-Polish meeting at which visited Western Ukraine mayors and their deputies from the partner cities of Lublin. Namely, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Rivne and Lutsk. The round table was devoted to "European issue" of Ukraine. Views - 467 Comments - 2
Right Sector in Ivano-Frankivsk has obviyanyy various rumors that if there are very young, sometimes very small boys who observed boorish behavior and sometimes outlet world inappropriate behavior. In fact it does not. It organized groups, which in the case if need be willing to put their lives for the future of Ukraine. Views - 1354 Comments - 21
As we know, there are two sides to events in Ukraine. We decided to find out whether the people in the form of a negative outlet world to people who defend their policies in the main square of the country. Interview with a student outlet world MIA and photos from the other side of the barricades. Views - 84 Comments - 0
Separatists east and south by trying outlet world anything to keep his influence and authority over its "nuclear" electoral "reserves", the threat of loss of ultimate power in the center. Views - 68 Comments - 1
If five years ago I was in Dazhdbozhiy sanctuary in the village Epiphany in Kirovohrad, the Magi met there Yasuni (Yatsenko). Yasuni drew my attention to the fact that freedom-loving Ukrainian people shift occurring at Caleta - in late November. Views - 409 Comments - 4 All Blogs
At the birth of their first child young parents do not always know what they should expect. But when Hope was born Juarez confused not only a woman in labor with her husband, but also doctors. Views - 781 Comments outlet world - 0
Each one of us has ever heard about time travel in space. outlet world Many people like to listen to the mystical stories of how people travel in time. But how to understand it is fiction or reality? What facts can confirm outlet world that the person is able to travel through time? Views - 641 Comments - 0
Do not use God and the people outlet world to defend themselves in a difficult time, and always choose the way of presenting themselves to the Lord called Pope Francis outlet world during a sermon, delivered in the chapel of the residence of the "House of St. Martha." Views - 465 Comments - 1
Wrap prayers Ukraine, including those who lost their lives in these days and their families. I wish that was developing a constructive dialogue between institutions and civil society, outlet world so that, excluding any use of forcible actions ... Views - 554 Comments - 0
Today the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the situation in Ukraine, which urged to start preparing sanctions against Ukrainian officials and immediate release of political outlet world prisoners. Views - 392 Comments - 0
Scientists say - a world that is better suited to life than Earth. When searching for new planets that would be suitable for human life, astronomers seeking the most similar to Earth. Views - 400 Comments - 0
During the previous Ukrainian revolution, or as it is called, "orange", pobralosya many couples. outlet world They were created during outlet world the revolutionary battles, young people find each other-in the literal sense of the word, "outside". Views - 432 Comments - 0
American Biker Billy Stedli outlet world was buried in his favorite motorcycle Harley-Davidson Electra Glide 1967 release. If the Egyptian pharaohs placed in sarcophagi around their wealth, the 82-year-old lover of motorcycles wanted to go to another world while sitting on your iron horse ... Views - 626 Comments - 0

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