Sunday, September 29, 2013

The image that this man offers the woman, as he speaks, the role that attributes is repulsive. Pret

Guido Barilla, chairman of the multinational food company Barilla, was interviewed Wednesday, September 25 during the transmission of the mosquito alkosto medellin Radio24 alkosto medellin and talked about the role of women and homosexuals in advertising. The first question that was addressed concerned the statements of the President of the Chamber Laura Boldrini at the conference on "Women and the Media" in the Senate alkosto medellin on stereotypes of women as "mother who serves at the table" presented continuously in Italian spot. Guido Barilla said:
"Advertising is a very serious matter and should be discussed generally by people who understand advertising. Laura Boldrini do not always understand is the role of the women in advertising: is a mother, grandmother, lover, care home, care of loved ones, or make other gestures alkosto medellin and other activities that will ennoble the role anyway. It is a key person for advertising, not only Italian. In all countries alkosto medellin of the world the woman is extremely used.
I thought the President of the Chamber that lowers when you talk about advertising, however, does not have the skills is pretty pathetic. alkosto medellin Communication is a key lever for trade and each one makes as it sees fit, in accordance with the rules. There are the jury that control the quality of the press, if someone alkosto medellin hurts himself is widely taken up and fined.
Asked why his company (which is also part of the Mulino Bianco with the famous "perfect family") does commercials with gay families, Guido Barilla said:
"We have a slightly different culture. For us, the concept of family sacral remains one of the company's core values. Ours is a traditional family. If gays like our pasta and communication that we will eat our pasta, if you do not like to eat it will make less and eat another. But one can not always please alkosto medellin everyone not to displease anyone. I would not do a commercial with a homosexual family, but not for lack of respect toward homosexuals who have the right to do whatever they want without disturbing others, but because they do not think like them and I think the family to which we turn us however, a family classic. Among other things, the woman, to return to the subject of the first, is crucial. "
"I respect alkosto medellin all who do what they want without disturbing others. Everyone has the right to his house to do what you want without disturbing those around claiming more or less, which are more or less legitimate. I respect same-sex marriage because it concerns people who want to contract marriage, but not with respect absolutely the adoption in gay families, because this concerns a person who is not the people who decide. " "Of course that grow easily, but I know that I am a father multiple complexities that we are in the raising of children, and I wonder what other complexity can be in a same-sex couple"
A Brief History of a complicated relationship, topical returned to the U.S. after the compromise arrived at by Obama on health coverage in religious organizations The gay pride parade in New York
chemical fax
sometimes (not always) has the accents not very respectful "I respect all who do what they want without disturbing others. Everyone has the right to his house to do what you want without disturbing those around claiming more or less, which are more or less legitimate >>. I do not think a respectful phrase, "without bothering others." it's like if I told you that you can love your girlfriend "without bothering others" ... because, you have to do it secretly? who does not annoy you?
where it would be reasonable? when he says that gays have the right to do what they want "without bothering others"? or when he says that the women in advertising the role you can discuss only the pubblcitari because they understand? or perhaps when straparla the role of parents in raising a child?
The image that this man offers the woman, as he speaks, the role that attributes is repulsive. Pretends to traditionalism patriarchy, whose nonsense about gays are a consistent corollary. I ask, however, a moratorium of at least two months on the pseudo-opinions of Laura Boldrini
3. "Without annoy others" is the golden rule of civil society. He adds: "I respect same-sex marriage because alkosto medellin it concerns people who want to contract marriage", it seems to me much more open than many other people.
"Do not annoy others" is a rule of civil society I think. I do not see why this elementary rule is to be inferred that homosexuals should sit hidden. On the other hand says: R

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