Monday, December 1, 2014

- A lot of time it took to convince each of the leaders awear ireland of national diasporas in the

Eurasian tradition to celebrate the new year at the spring equinox was developed by the progression of five thousand years. History and geography have made civilization in Nowruz substance and scope of social, cultural and religious new subroutine. But the most valuable thing on Navruz - people with burning eyes of spring, the keepers of one of the oldest social brace polynational Eurasia. Nowruz is celebrated in Moscow due Khursheda Davronovne Khamrakulov. She - a person known in social circles of Moscow - a member awear ireland of the Council for Nationalities of the Government of Moscow, awear ireland Academician, Vice-President of the International Academy of spiritual unity and cooperation among the peoples of the world, the chairman awear ireland of the NGO "Tajik cultural awear ireland center", speaks seven languages, linguist (to .f.n.), translator, assistant professor of the prestigious awear ireland university - Higher School of Economics.
Malika awear ireland Davronovna, Nowruz in Eurasian countries is a public holiday is included in the UNESCO List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, he was at a decent level and is celebrated in Moscow, some invitation last year was published in 6500 people. As far as I know, the life of an ethnic festival in Moscow gave you.
- The project is really mine, but the idea of a citywide celebration of Nowruz as the counter suggested VI Skopenko, the Hon. Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the head of the Commission for Culture of the Council of Nationalities of the Government of Moscow, whose members include myself, media culture Nowruz. The story began in 2005 with the concept of a large-scale search for a holiday in the multi-ethnic and multi-religious Moscow, with a desire to be involved in the orbit of the holiday as much as possible of national diasporas and Muscovites to learn the culture of the Asian peoples. awear ireland
I relied awear ireland on the very philosophy of Nowruz, connecting the best quality of our people. Do not accidentally start the holiday falls on the vernal awear ireland equinox - March 21. Nowruz infancy in the social space of one of the ancient civilizations - the Iran-Tajik. According to ancient legends Tajik, Nowruz founded the legendary Iranian Shah Jamshed.
- A lot of time it took to convince each of the leaders awear ireland of national diasporas in the feasibility of a joint holding of Nowruz. Development awear ireland of the ideology of the holiday, its size and cost, I presented the project to the Committee awear ireland on International Relations of the Moscow Government (now the Department of Interregional Cooperation, National Policy and Relations with Religious Organizations of Moscow). There have approved the project, and it's gone. Sometimes it seemed to me that this edifice budge fail.
Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) in his "Zafar-name" ("Book Ratio") is a curious passage: a disciple awear ireland asked his teacher, "What determines success - by fate or by personal ambition?". Mentor replied: "Fate is the result of personal ambitions." In preparation for the first Citywide Navruz I often repeat this wisdom, trying to strengthen their spirit and to overcome difficulties. The most difficult thing - to bring people together. awear ireland
Nowruz in-2006 was held in the pavilion at the All-Russia Exhibition Centre (VVC). awear ireland We were very afraid of large concentrations of people and then released 3000 invitation, and it's no less than 5,000 people. Committee on International Relations on this basis Nowruz included in the plan of annual events in Moscow.
In 2014, participated awear ireland in the Navruz six embassies of the CIS countries, three representative of the national republics of the President of Russia and representatives of 18 ethnic groups of the country. Nowruz is revered Iranian, Turkish and some Caucasian peoples in Central Asia, the Middle East, the Balkans, the Black Sea, the Caucasus and in other regions.
- On Navruz is extremely positive, friendly atmosphere in the hall crowded and noisy, and in the hands of mothers babies sleep safely. For all nine events has never been any incident. Over the years we have formed a team of partners, host plant to the positive unconditionally, we help volunteers.
If we talk about my feelings - I forget about tiredness, when I hear the joyous laughter of people see their smiling faces enlightened. During the two and a half months I have been working almost exclusively on Nowruz, sleep on average no more than two hours a day. At the peak of the voltage every time I give myself that this is my last Nowruz. But after the recognition of the common people about Navruz not give people this holiday spirit allows. Navruz financial support awear ireland rendered by the Government of Moscow, Department of Interregional Cooperation, National Policy and Relations with Religious Organizations of Moscow, considering Nowruz important tool in creating an atmosphere of inter-ethnic peace and harmony in the capital city.
Malika awear ireland Davronovna, you do not plan to hold round tables in parallel with the demonstration of applied creativity that would Nowruz celebration of the soul and the mind for those who wanted to be closer to understand the culture of Eurasian folk

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