Saturday, December 20, 2014

Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos, one of the most important Panaka of the Incas or the family inclu

I apologize franklins catalogue to the cultural center of the underworld for trying to stain his honor, but in this I refer to the place where they, Francisco Franco was Vladimiro Montesinos, would Mariano José María Escrivá Julian a satyr and brothers come discriminator color and according to legend not take coke to be the color. And most of all to remember the suffering sadistic instincts Cipriani mentor and all delegates belong to a sect that infiltrated the Catholic Church and that a minority that wants to appear as a pastor, a sworn enemy of the people and who does not think the philosophy of Fascism, like his mentor support for fascism in Spain against the Spanish people. Remember that this pastor of the Mephistopheles character had a conception of human rights as something that has no value and relate to matter franklins catalogue to homeless people franklins catalogue and minorities. His arrogance towards the people who do not could be felt, and it is no coincidence, since the same behavior which the sect Opus Dei are. Thus, their behavior that no abuse of the rights of the people who came to the city Huamanga and near his apartment not reported to the Archbishop, although they were numerous and remember the sign he had put in the house very clear Archbishop "We do not accept human rights complaints." Perhaps this sign is a sign of complicity with the government of the day, and we refer to Alberto Fujimori offender's criminal his followers were tortured and disappeared hundreds of thousands of ordinary franklins catalogue people in the barracks Cabitos. But in his defense of human rights abusers do not give up at any time and uses the pulpit, but if someone wants to do to defend their human rights violated against and used all their influence to attack and depose if he had any office. This is the behavior of this man, the priest is called, but in no way are not a priest, so that all beings of Mephistopheles and his horde called OPUS DEI, a branch of the retrograde sectors of society franklins catalogue and the Catholic Church and the Church their dark purposes, as it has in Spain. Clerical fascism now trying at the Catholic University who enjoys at least boasts a prestigious and many universities want to have it, but their false hypocrisy cleanliness and above all we have to call the reflection should climb and decide the concordat between the Catholic Church and the end Peruvian state, of which the Church has a lot of energy because if we really a democratic state we chance all denominations, whatever is called it, and above all rethink spiritual tried our habits at a time to destroy the Catholic church. But this is not the problem, the thing is, when you turn to the right of the Catholic Church in support of international fascism have started trying to put all their points of spears to catch or at least power, influence him so his wish that the Catholic to detect University to train new leader of the fascist like José María Escrivá. I think it is necessary for all students to join forces to fight to the rule of the hypocrisy and the rise of fascism franklins catalogue that is played by Luis Cipriani Thorne franklins catalogue end their purposes by unhealthy youth looking defeated freedom, but also by the young, those who rip in time for the church of the poor, especially the church militant, the Christ of the suburbs and young people who are active in it are placed in front of a Mephistopheles, who now can perched on the power but Baal be defeated as a prophet of the old church, the church complicity of crimes against humanity, thousands of pedophiles and crime. For the kingdom of heaven is in your hands to lie down to the demons franklins catalogue who want to raid. Túpac Isaac II Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos
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Juan Esteban Yupanqui Villalobos, one of the most important Panaka of the Incas or the family including the provinces of Otuzco, Huamachuco and Santiago de Chuco were taken as MITM. Known in the South American indigenous world through their representation in mass, which is the official organ of the local political and Peruvians.
2014 (8) agosto (1) junio (1) mayo (3) abril (1) febrero (1) enero (1) 2013 (11)

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